get shock?7a.m me and my friends only went home on 19th May
[everyone is going to school and work but us.........] =)
quite fun,have a nice day too ^^
d story begin here 1st me and my friends went to a japanese buffet, 'Saisaki'. We had a nice dinner ^^ [not worth la japanese buffet,very fast already full >< ]
here is the place
the food
after dinner we went for movie with two more friends
1st we plan watch at the curve,but dunno why cinema close already >< [dunno what happen]
so we need to change placce to 1u
because we already park our car at the curve then one of my friend [Kelvin] ^^
suggest us to walk to 1u [at last we walked @.@,hahahha] quite near also la
since i ate alot liao,so walk to digest =)
this is the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia"
[nice movie]
after movie is already around 3a.m smth @.@
then we went to yamcha at cheras to meet up with another friend
so drink drink drink,talk talk tallk is around 6a.m smth [peoples is coming to have breakfast already,but we still not yet go home =P] finally we all willing to went home hahahhahahaha..... and is already 7a.m smth ^^ [crazy,hahaha...]
-the end-
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