Thursday, September 11, 2008

shake, dip & twist

the new thing from McD ^^
seem like so long din go McD due to the exam week =D
hahahahaha...... just saw some new thing from McD in magazine,feel like trying it =P
(anyone try ady? ^^)

spicy McShaker fries & spicy chicken McNugget

Oreo Mudpie McFlurry & Oreo Berries McFlurry

omg...... feel hungry ady =D haiz....... tomorrow got exam but till now i still don't have idea want to read what ==" some more don't have mood to study at all (gonna die soon....) cham... wish me good luck lo,hope won't fail la ><

-study,study,study.................. @.@


chocolate said...

the mcshaker fries and spicy nugget is so nice~

but sadly,the mcdonalds over my place didnt serve mcshaker fries

poh yee said...

ic ic....
must go n try =D